The Ready For Polyamory Podcast

Episode 8: Relationships With Metamours

August 1st, 2020

Laura and Seva discuss the good, the bad, and the meh, as regards relationships with metamours. Mostly an interview of Seva and discussion of the past.

The ladies largely agree that 80-90% of metamour relationships are good to "meh", and bad relationships are few and farther between, as well as often being initiated by partners or "partner problems, rather than meta problems." Small content warning: allusions to adult/sexual activity content, no explicit descriptions. If you're looking for encouragement that good metamour relationships, or at least better ones, are coming, skip the nine to ten minutes after the intro, that's Seva reliving her worst ever metamour relationship, which was definitely a partner problem, but she was new enough to not know that yet.

Seva is largely anonymous on this show due to not being out at work but teaches in the poly and rope communities and helped build upline rope; you can find the link in her guest link below.

As always, intro and outro music is provided by [Vince Conaway](